37 research outputs found

    Constructing Fuzzy for Socio Economic Urban Growth Dynamic In Surabaya Based on GIS

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    Urban modeling is an important tool for efficient policy designing in a big city. Surabaya, a big city are now recognized as complex systems through which nonlinear and dynamic processes occur. The paper present a methodological framework for urban modeling from socio economic point of view, which suggested framework incorporates a set of fuzzy systems. In this case, the variable consist of manufacture, hospital, school and shopping centre. Combining with spatial analysis in GIS, the result is a dynamic model was shown to be capable of replicating the trends and characteristics of an urban environment, in this case the city of Surabaya


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    Existing tourism information systems only provide information about facility and site map of a tourist attraction. a lot of tourists from other cities or country will have a trouble finding the attraction they want to go because of not knowing the route to go there. Online Travel Guide consists of several sub-systems that designed into a complex system to facilitate the tourists visiting the tourist attraction. This final project will focus on tourism in Surabaya as a study case. A good design of the system is required to optimize it despite its novel size and complexity. System�s design including technology choosing, algorithm and system�s security. This system not only will recommend a route suggestion to tourists but also visualize it in 3 dimensional map so that the tourists seemed to be in that place. Another feature of this application is tourists can estimate the travel's budget by only inputting maximum budget of travel in this application (adaptable budget). The tourist will obtained an online lodging reservations with E-Ticketing and info of typical sales of goods in accordance with the existing budget. System budgetting feature will implement adaptable Knapsack Greedy algorithm. This algorithm was chosen because it provides the best of the best solutions regardless of the consequences in the future. This algorithm will provides two types of tour packages according to the Greedy Knapsack optimum minimum and maximum optimal. E-Ticketing System using MD5 encryption algorithm to make the reservation code. The encryption code will be divided into three parts, the key server, public key, and Private key. When processing reservation code, an inter-server communication process will occur, ie main server send the public key to the hotel server. To secure the data communication process, servers will use HTTPS protocol to encrypt the data wich being transmitted. Given the variety of existing facilities at Online application Travel Guide, travelers will be greatly helped when travelling in Surabaya. Keywords : tourism, travel online, e-ticketing, adaptable budget, threedimensional maps, route search, encryptio


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    The importance of information relating to the condition of Kelud Volcano very hard to identify. By using SMS Gateway-based Information System, the data processed by the system will be faster in terms of dissemination information to the public. This system will provide information about early warning systems and emergency evacuation systems. There are several stages it takes to manufacture the systems in digitasi process, design and create database, and perform the determination of early warning and evacuation systems and visualized. Because the information system is SMS (Short Message Service)-based, then use the appropriate technology that is python programming as system builder, gammu as sms engine and PostgreSQL as data storage. By using SMS Gateway-based Information System, data which are processed by the system will be faster in terms of dissemination information to the public. This system will provide information to the user who has the registration form of the status of emergency, disaster the actions to be performed, as well as providing information in the form of medicines, transportation, and other supplies through interactive sms


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    In this study created a system of information handling and evacuation of flood disaster which is located in Bojonegoro-based SMS Gateway. This system provides information about the impact of flood disasters Solo against other aspects of life such as industry, education, and social life. Given the expected data obtained information as a consideration in taking action in the event and post-disaster flood of floods. Because of this disaster based sms handler, then use the appropriate technology that is programming python as a desktop application, PostGIS PostgreSQL database as well as data storage. Submission of information is expected based SMSGateway data is processed more quickly in terms of disseminating information to the public. This information is used for early warning dissemination Solo Flood disaster. Keywords: Mitigation and Evacuation, Flood Solo, SMSGateway

    Sistem Emergency Dan Evakuasi Bencana Gunung Meletus Berbasis Web

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    Kelud is an active volcano located in Kediri, Blitar and Malang, East Java. Geographically it is situated on the mountain 7 ° 56 'latitude and 112 ° 18'30 "E with a peak height of 1113.9 m above sea level or + 1 650 meters above the plains of Kediri. Kelud has erupted six times that in 1901, 1919, 1951, 1990, and 2007. Total death toll reached 5400. With the large number of casualties is the delivery of fast and accurate information that will help to prevent more casualties. Therefore, the distribution of timely and accurate information to be urgently needed. This web-based project is a geographic information system for disaster volcano on Volcano Kelud. Visualization on the Web using server folder and php programming, as used in the PostgreSQL data storage media. The method used for determining the status of emergency is Bayes Method. In this method of data - data that is processed include: data and history data of disaster areas. The procedure given warning was made as a reference how the evacuation should be conducted in accordance with the existing reference, in accordance with standard rules based on information from the relevant government officials

    Sistem Manajemen Tanggap Darurat dan Evakuasi Untuk Bencana Banjir

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    This study learns the geographic information system of flood that occur almost every year in the flood�prone area in Bengawan Solo watershed, especially in Bojonegoro regency. These system perform an information about hierarchy of emergency and evacuation procedure when the flood happens. GIS used as a visualisation of the condition by using the map that constructed in a web based application. These application also using Postgre Database because the database is capable in handling map data or geom using postgis extensions. Method that used to determine Emergency dan Evacuation classification is Decission Tree, that using a flood data history. The procedures that given created as a reference how the evacuation should be done in accordance with the Standart Operational Procedure (SOP) that refer to national or international standards

    Observation of Fish Dissemination Pattern on Madura Coastal Using Segmentation of Satellite Images

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    Almost traditional fishermen still use manual methods to catch fish that rely on experience in fishing and information among fellow fishermen. This method is not effective for maximizing fish production. A good pattern or strategy is needed to increase fish production. In determining dissemination pattern of fish, it can be predicted from physical parameters such as temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, turbidity, total suspended solids, and colored dissolved organic matter using the Landsat 8 images.  This research area is on the Island of Madura Coast. The pattern is determined by using Lagrange Interpolation and clustering using K-Means. The results of the study of the pattern of fish dissemination were then validated with data from the Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Jawa Timur. The results between fish patterns and validation data in 2015 showed similarities in January, February, March, May, June, July, August, September. In 2016, results between fish patterns and validation data showed that similarities in July, August, September, and December. In 2017, results between fish patterns and validation data showed similarities in November. 2015 has the most similarities between the patterns and validation data and the least similarity are 2017


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    Kebutuhan informasi jalur menuju daerah wisata sangatlah penting bagi masyarakat atau wisatawan luar. Terutama untuk wisatawan luar yang berkendara sendiri atau menggunakan fasilitas angkutan umum untuk berpergian atau untuk sampai ke tempat tujuan. Bagi wisatawan yang pada umumnya belum mengenal suatu daerah yang dikunjunginya, banyak hal yang menyulitkan mereka untuk memperoleh informasi jalur yang tepat untuk dilewati. Tak dapat dihindari mereka akan di pusingkan karena banyaknya jalan dan rumitnya lalu lintas kota Surabaya. Jauh dekat tempat pariwisata bergantung pada jalan yang dilewatinya, demikian juga dengan banyak sedikitnya biaya yang dikeluarkan bergantung pada jalur dan fasilitas transportasi yang digunakan. Oleh karena itu dibuat Aplikasi pencarian jalur alternatif jalur Surabaya untuk melengkapi Sistem Pariwisata Berorientasi pada adaptle budget di kota Surabaya. Aplikasi ini menggunakan bahasa JSP(Java Server Path) dengan database PosgreSQL untuk menyimpan data. Pemberian altenatif jalur bukan hanya ditinjau dari jaraknya saja, tetapi juga keramaian jalan dan kondisi jalan tersebut karena dalam menghitung minimum biaya keramaian jalan dan kondisi jalan juga mempengaruhi biaya transportasinya. Hal tersebutlah yang nantinya menggunakan metode fuzzy untuk menghasilkan sebuah nilai yang kemudian dijadikan bobot di dalam algoritma djikstra untuk pencarian jalur alternatifnya. Hasil dari aplikasi ini mampu memberikan alternatif kepada wisatawan untuk memilih jalur perjalanan yang diminati dengan biaya paling minimal. Wisatawan mudah untuk melakukan penelusuran jalur sesuai alternatif yang dimiliki berdasarkan pergerakan thread pada peta 2 dimensi. Alternatif angkutan umum dapat memberikan informasi perpotongan jalur oper ke angkutan lain jika diperlukan. Kata kunci : Pariwisata,Ttravel Online,Pencarian Jalur, JSP, Postgre, Fuzzy, Djikstr


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    Relocation of the house is the right choice for the citizens of Lapindo mudflow victims, because a lot of impact caused by the hot mudflow. One of impact that is sinking housing around center of explosion. Home is a very important tool for the continuity of life from a family which for now increasingly encouraged the construction of the housing sector. Increasing number of existing housing to make citizens difficulty in determining the location of housing to suit their individual needs GIS (Geographic Information System) is one application that can help the problems of citizens in choosing the location of new housing in accordance with the consideration of various .GIS was supported by the application of fuzzy query the database for the selection of search housing.Choose of data provided housing is housing prices and housing location.But location if the data is recommended not found then the user is recommended to change the criteria that have been selected or choose a higher priority criteria Keywords : GIS(Geographic Information System),Fuzzy quer

    Pemrosesan Citra Satelit dan Pemodelan untuk Prediksi Penyebaran Banjir Bengawan Solo

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    Flood is a disaster that happens annually in Indonesia. This could be due to various reasons. High rainfall can cause water to overflow the river, inhibition of water channels, the area has little absorption of water, environmental destruction, and so forth. Flooding will lead to various kinds of losses may be material or moral loss. Various things are done to prevent or overcome, but flooding still occurs. Bengawan Solo is the longest river in Java. Areas around the river is also flood prone area. Such incidents of course will cause huge losses, even allow for casualties. Hence the need for solution on the prevention of flooding. In this case the water distribution modeling system is required to determine the approximate movement of water in the Solo river. Of course this system must be accompanied by the distribution of accurate information, early remedial action to correct flooding and evacuation of a good management if flooding was inevitable. If this is fulfilled, then the risk of floods can be reduced. And even if the flood persists, water movement can be known and may be preventions or evacuation